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Shake or no shake?

Total votes: 53

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Post by Xelent »

I just want to ask what the chance is that shake would be removed if it was voted on?

Without shake, it forces you to play 2 - 2 on the field to prevent an easy goal, and makes a risk for you to bring a 3rd person up. Without shake, there is a lot less reason to pass volley; which people start doing to get around the pbox (shake) campers. That one defender currently can stop all 1v1s without a problem. Shots get camped, and if the defender plays well enough the offense wont get a wall volley on a 1v1. Its easier to just sit back and wait for a 2nd person to do a pass volley. Volleys are much easier to score with than normal shooting is. Removing shake forces the d to work much harder, rather than just sitting at the line camping a sound.

Now the other side to this... set jumping was still on before they removed shake I believe. Im not a fan of set jumping, because it was just a bitch sometimes. The only consistent jumping you could get was by spamming the jump button, and by trying to time the jumps you occasionally miss one, etc. It was just annoying. The one thing set jumping DID do, was eliminate the whoring of pass volleys and wall volleys and all the other volley crap. The only downside (because i hate set jumping), i think set jumping was the "equalizer" for the no shake. Not sure if taking out shake will still have an even gameplay.

Its kind of contradicting, but maybe it will spark some ideas. I know ive talked to a few people that think we should remove shake as well, just curious to what everyone thinks.

PS - There is no "dont care" in the poll because those people are useless :cool:
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Post by gnomeh »

No shake :)
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Post by The_One »

Shake :)
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Post by [V3]Dave »

pfffff i like how d is easy kthx leave shake on fuck a o kthx whos NEXT!!! shake deez nutz nubcake
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Post by vF_Zonk »



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Post by Xelent »

I play O all the time, and i keep to screw around. D is so boring and easy- 1v1 they dont score 2v1 they score more than have the time on a volley. Just boring and doesnt take much skill imo...
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Post by InSaNe »

No shake would be so better, would give keeps something to work on and d something to work on, make the game more complicated and more people will find it a challenge. Defense has become easier in the past few versions. Give the offense a break now.

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Post by Stulovesyou »

wtf is shake?

and why keep asking to change gameplay?

This poll will have zero relevance.
People won't know what shake is.
People will click one of the options randomly.

The arguments put forward in the initial post are simply rambling with no coherant reasoning or arguments for or against anything. It makes no sense what you are saying.

If you think defence is easy - go play defence - rack up godlikes. Feel like a big man.
If you think volleys are easy - do them each and every time. Call yourself a superstar.

No one will stop you. No-one can ever be better than you. Because every move anyone else does is arse based on a biased game.
All rules should be changed to suit you.
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Post by InSaNe »

^^^^ Noob

Who the fuck doens't know what shake is? Everyone who's hit a person while charging should know. It's called a....**Drum Rolls* SUGGESTION!!!! It's not a demand, it's a suggestion. btw x pwnz everything so idk. :D

Last edited by InSaNe on 17-08-2003 08:36, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by DavidM »

Nothing will remove shake again.
I's a perfect fix for the problem we had back in 1.3 (?).
Nothing bad about it, it just takes skill not to shake, the way it should be.
Without it its unfair for the defense again.
Last edited by DavidM on 17-08-2003 08:36, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by InSaNe »

Um defense now n days always have the advantage. You gave them deflect, over the versions you've given them a bigger hmmer radius. What have you done for the offense...? Hammer... and not much I can think of. But you can NOT say it takes skill to shake... Oh lord when Anger first join this mod he understood so know that any noob can shake which means it's gay.

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Post by InSaNe »

Uh but deflect doesn't help anyone so call it a neutral. I've tried to deflect the ball in the net once and it would never go in wonder why but back on topic. You know you've been unfair to offense David, you just know it. Give some credit and take the damn thing out. Make it more complicating so there would be more to strive for. Also it takes no skill to shake. So meh.

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Post by InSaNe »

And damnit quit moving my post about me going to keep to off topic damnit it has to do about deathball \o/ :lol:

No one ever checks over there that's why I put it here o-O

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Post by InSaNe »

OMG I HIT 160 WOOT FOR SPAM SPAM SPAM :lol: :spammer:

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Post by Stulovesyou »

How is not understanding the poorly written context of a random word qualified as being a n00b?
There is no explanation of the context of the word. Simply opiniated ramblings that could refer to any scenario.

So you would have it that one attacker can beat a defender and keeper?
If you are not open, why should you get an unhindered shot at goal?
If you try to shoot whilst covered - you'll get hit, and probably miss.

Oh waaaah - so unfair.



Perhaps you'd like attackers to be immune to hits and not need to charge up also.

It's pretty bloody simple. If you try to shoot while covered - you shouldn't score. You have to pass. Guess what that is....


OH NO!!! We can't have teamwork in a team game.

Lets change everything so that goalhanger can grab the ball and score against five defenders. Tehn g@me3 = l34335t!!!!