Selfvolley power reduced to 1500 max in 1.9! Good or Bad?

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Selfvolley power reduced to 1500 max in 1.9! Good or Bad?

Post by Fallen »

I would like to know the community reaction to the recent changes to the upcoming version. I read some other thread that flame david, but making this lower is not necessary. Why is it being changed? Some can say, since sd13 doesnt do it, it doesn't really bother them. However, I've seen alot of clan that have attackers that are volley whores, and if this is implemented, it's going to hurt them.

Why not make shooting different? Since sd13 cant shoot 4 crap. (Thrash Talk, O well, it's true, if you play them)
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Post by Armagon »

The whole reason this change was being made was to get people to steer AWAY from volley-whoring, not towards it. Imho, this is a wise move.
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Post by Diab »

its better i think, yor not looking its old power as long as you pass the ball, there is alot of people who just always bounce the ball to thereselves instead of shooting so this should trim that down.

though, a volley does deserve to be faster if worked in a team, as its not as easy to do as a slol volley.
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Post by Imo »

Make primary shoot faster.
Make charge up quieter. (1.7 was good?)

Two good ways to reduce volley whoring rather than crippling it. I'm sure there are other ways too.
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Re: Selfvolley power reduced to 1500 max in 1.9! Good or Bad

Post by Rens2Sea »

Fallen wrote: Why is it being changed? Some can say, since sd13 doesnt do it, it doesn't really bother them.

Err... 13 are crossvolley whores :/
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Post by Fallen »

This mod is becoming more and more strictly team-based. Some ways its a good way to go. However, going more team-oriented can be good, but keeping some individual aspects is key to keeping people playing. Hence, crippling the player offensively once more, davidm is making the attacker think that pass first, shoot/volley after.

Say if you boost 3 guys back, get the ball back, lob it down the field, you are one on one with the defender, and you have to either wait and get pushed back, or go and try for a goal. Some of the more advanced attacker would go for the goal. Some would wait. Self Volley was never broken, or abused, so why change it?
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Post by Imo »

I'm waiting for the typical "wall kid" positive comment. :p
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Post by -plær- »

This might damage the 2v2 game. And while encouraging teamplay and reducing self-volleywhorage is a nice idea, I dont think this is the way to go about it.
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Post by Inphidel »

I hate self-volly whores on bigger games like 5 on 5 when you know a cross volly would damn own the goalie but they insist on plopping it up to themselves to have the keeper yawn and suck it up everything

but killing self volly might work more as a disadvantage overall.

what about the poor goalies who make a save by vollying it to the wall then volly that out to a forward waiting, now his ball might not reach, should he be penalized for making a good play on his own?
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Post by theberkin8or »

ffs just get rid of the charge sound and volley whoring will no longer be used nearly as much cuz you will be able to sh00t without teh fuxing pbox camping... shoot is soo much more fun than volleying cuz you have to play mind games with the keeper... the same reason dribbling was fun, it was all about doing what the other person didn't think you would do

the penix lancher does need to be nerfed hard core though (that boost volley) it just spams the game to hell
Last edited by theberkin8or on 28-08-2003 16:49, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Selfvolley power reduced to 1500 max in 1.9! Good or Bad

Post by DavidM »

Fallen wrote: Why not make shooting different? Since sd13 cant shoot 4 crap. (Thrash Talk, O well, it's true, if you play them)

I can't shoot 4 crap, but I know it's possible, that's what matters :<
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Post by Armagon »

ffs just get rid of the charge sound and volley whoring will no longer be used nearly as much cuz you will be able to sh00t without teh fuxing pbox camping
No charge sound?!? That's just stupid. :devil:
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Post by theberkin8or » it would open up the game a lot... this arguement has been made numerious times but ppl that don't really understand what it would allow (and force) have shoot it down
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Post by Surge »

the question is not wether its good or bad but if the change is even necessary...

If people are still volleying its because shooting doesnt work for shit. So now instead of having wall vollies as an option, your restricting people to just volleying or shooting wide open.

Maybe the problem isnt the fact that people wall volley to much but the fact that they dont shoot at all.
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Re: Re: Selfvolley power reduced to 1500 max in 1.9! Good or

Post by Xelent »

DavidM wrote: I can't shoot 4 crap, but I know it's possible, that's what matters :<

at least he knows he sucks