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Right-click volleys/bounce volleys
Posted: 29-08-2003 10:13
by f1end
I know not many people like these, (mainly due to the irregularity of it actually happening...y is this???) but i do like them...quite often score with them, pass (quick 1-2's), or just nudge the ball on a run onto...
I really think it would add to the game to make it so that when u have right-click (or whatever u have bound, *cough* robo *cough*) pressed, the ball bounces off u...every matter how fast or slow it's going...and u should be able to move a stationary ball with it... e.g. dead ball on the ground, u run into it with alt-fire pressed down and it bounces along in front of u a little, u jump on top of it and it bounces up etc.
It would be a kinda dribble, but if u get the bounce right, wouldn't un-balance the game, as it would be risky to do.
Any thoughts??
Posted: 29-08-2003 10:50
by RaGe|DB
yep, i like that to
Posted: 29-08-2003 14:58
by Diab
so you would be able to keep top speed by pushing the ball but risk the chance of loosing the ball?
Posted: 29-08-2003 15:50
by f1end
yep...thats about the size of it...AND, cos I am pissed of with catching the ball when i try to bounce it
Posted: 29-08-2003 16:20
by Astroboy
I like that.
I don't know how often I'll have right click held down but I catch the ball
Posted: 29-08-2003 16:34
by BL44T
Yeah great idea. I like the bouncevolleys, you definately need some skill to use them so it won't be overused.
Another idea:
In volley-only mode, it's not possible to charge a wallpass and bounce it in, but it IS possible to wallpass with a volley and then bounce it in. My opinion is to have the charged wallpass / bounce goal enabled again, it's very unexpected and a nice tactic ;o
Posted: 29-08-2003 19:35
by Fizzy
bounce is buggy as hell at the moment the ball sometimes goes crazy fast for no reason
Posted: 29-08-2003 21:59
by DiStUrbeD
Why wouldnt you just volley it? Or let our best friend deflect take care of it if you are that close, and hope it goes in? (i've done that actually, haha)
Posted: 29-08-2003 23:56
by Surge
why not just ask to put dribble back in? at least that took skill...
Posted: 30-08-2003 01:28
by f1end
Surge wrote:
why not just ask to put dribble back in? at least that took skill...
Have u not seen my trying???!!!!!
Posted: 01-09-2003 12:33
by f1end
Anyway, seems people either don't understand me, or agree...David/Jaro...any comments????
Posted: 01-09-2003 13:40
by DavidM
I voted for "I am confused"
Posted: 01-09-2003 14:02
by BL44T
DiStUrbeD wrote:
Why wouldnt you just volley it? Or let our best friend deflect take care of it if you are that close, and hope it goes in? (i've done that actually, haha)
bounce = faster and more unexpected ;o
Posted: 03-09-2003 19:31
by Esorcismo
Yeah I like that idea a lot better than having to perfectly time it because I've got like a 50% volley vs. catch. Like in VO servers I'll try and volley and somehow always catch it instead so then I just shoot it. But yeah this work.
Posted: 03-09-2003 19:34
by -plær-
Esorcismo wrote:
Yeah I like that idea a lot better than having to perfectly time it.
easier != better.
You have much to learn my young padawan. Soon your volleyskillz will be mad, and your timing l33t.