well i have got bored of reading all the crap about db is shit blah blah so i thought i would start a thread so that every one has to write something that they think is GOOD about deathball o_O
/me starts
I like deathball because it is the only game like it out there
db is good cuz of all the things they got right. I know a lot of ppl get stuck on the bad but there is much to like (passing-volleyspam=lots of fun) if they could just get the rest right it could be great
Last edited by theberkin8or on 11-09-2003 05:01, edited 1 time in total.
that's the way it works
at first its 50% good 50% crap (0.9), a lot to complain
a lot get fixed
next version maybe 75% 25% etc
and now its about 97% 3% and people make it sound like the little weaknesses kill everything and its the worst game ever and everything is wrong
/me shakes head