AoV sf become 1 /o\

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AoV sf become 1 /o\

Post by GazMaN »


after a few discussions, weve decided to join beds, ermm squads.

Both teams get on well, weve had some nice fws together, and with the ever growing inactivity situation that is db, this adds some much needed stability in times of need!!!

plus, this gives us aov gays who came form Strikeforce the mod , the chance to at last don our sf tags \o/
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Post by DavidM »

well, this requires same clanname, same tags, same webpage etc

we dont allow pseudo-alliances :|
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Post by GazMaN »

you mean like bk and wh?

they shall be sharkforce, we shall be strikeforce, slight variation of the same name

webpage shall be updated
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Post by Cenotaph »

omg NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111 :p

i always said SF tag would suck ;)
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Post by [V3]David »

Da na HH team will pwn u kthx:)
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Post by RaGe|DB »

like with TEZC-FJ??
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Post by L33FY »

Nice, 2 coolio teams
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Post by -Elementia- »

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Post by BonGy »

[V3]David wrote: Da na HH team will pwn u kthx:)


they cheat
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Post by NaB »

the reason for this is cos ive pretty much retired from deathball. i just joined a very active ET clan and i cant be bothered with DB any more. Im not the kind of guy to leave my team in a tight spot so i asked gaz if he could do us this huge favour, AoV have an abundance of players and it will really help us out. this is the last DBL season anyway so itd be a shame to have to bow out at this late stage.

i will still play the odd game if im needed, and i dont have an ET war that night. but come the end of the season, its adios.

so its like this, new clan is SF (strike/shark force). squad 1 is Angels of Vengence squad (Tag = sf-aov or something similar), squad 2 is deathball squad (tag = sf**db)

edit: to dm, this is a perfectly legal move. you have no grounds to block it, there are no rules written which block it and its too late for u to write some up today and expect them to apply to us. this is already done.

about websites etc... a lot of teams dont even have a website so thats BS. We'll have the same tag if u insist but Wh and Bk dont have the same tag. and neither did cy-blue and 13 at the end of last season when u changed your tag to 13 but insisted u were still in cy (for a short while at least)
Last edited by NaB on 16-09-2003 13:33, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by ThaGiMiC »

Good move, nice to see 2 decent clans merging, hopefully sD will play you some day =)

Will be interesting to see who plays in which squad etc. =)

Not been on the forums for a while, but tbh looking at them this is the only thread which doesnt complain or moan about DB dying or some other silly little thing =) nice to see some good news for a change

//Off topic//
On the whole DB dying thing I see everywhere, I think far from it there seems to be quite alot of noobs around lately and new clans forming. However the sad fact remains that DB !!is!! losing its best players imho, NaB is a prime example of this =/

on a lighter note tho I wont be getting in the way of anymore strikers, as I play my last official DB match vs this new AoV/sF team =)
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Post by RaGe|DB »

omg alot of players now
Aov-2 teams /o\
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Post by Axl »

To gim:

A lot of n00bs in all honestly i think are players just fake nicking, I know of at least 4 or 5 players who have "left" DB only to restart in another clan as another nick/ident :)
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Post by NaB »

IRC wise we will both use our existing priv chans but for our public one we will just adopt the #Angels^ chan of AoV for both the teams.

website wise, sF**Db have one, but its in hungarian and servers the wolf and insta divisions too. AoV dont have one. sF**Db's will be updated to include this merge shortly.
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Post by GazMaN »

aov do have 1, its just been offline for a while, because of the original founder of aov , xsyloc has been away for a while, and its his webby