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The next move to be removed =)

Posted: 28-09-2003 17:23
by MeSSiaH{FCU}
My mighty prediction powers have given me the answer to the following question \o/ :

"What move shall be removed after the high boosted superdupercatalyst rmb cross volley move?"

The answer is: boosts from the enemy untill 0.5s (approx) after releasing the ball :p

ATM it's fairly easy to drop the ball just before some1 hits u and u'll fly away and catch the ball again, only to continue this, and in theory be able to dribble endlessly.

It's extremely easy to trick an enemy with this, and even tho, in practice it doznt always work (at least for me), in theory it's unbeatable coz the opponent cant predict it, and even if he knows ur gonna do it again, it will be hard to keep u from executing it again ^^; At least u will get enough time to get another pass trough, after doing this 1 or 2 times consecutively (which is when the opponent *shud* notice that some tricking/waiting is needed ;p).

Altho this move has been known and possible for a long time, this 'dribble' is still in the game.

Thus i ask u davidm (and co.(ders)):

"Do think about removing this move" :p


Posted: 28-09-2003 17:25
by The_One

There is no reason to remove this.
It's the defenders fault if it happens.

Posted: 28-09-2003 17:28
by Wibble
I agree with The_One here. If the defender is stupid enough to allow the attacker to predict when he is going to be boosted then its his own bloody fault 0_o

Posted: 28-09-2003 17:40
by MeSSiaH{FCU}
It's simple, u walk a bit away from the defender, u walk slower coz ur with the ball, the defender gets closer and mostly tries to hit u as soon as he can, u release, and he sends u flying :o

If u release the ball into the direction @ which he walks towards u, u shud go that way =\

Anyway, i dont really mind, i just wanted something new to moan about :D teehee

Posted: 28-09-2003 17:45
by DavidM
"The answer is: boosts from the enemy untill 0.5s (approx) after releasing the ball"

agh i hate that one, trying to tackle him, he releases the ball before i tackle.....there he goes flying /o\

i dunno if its good to remove it, afterall it was my mistake, but maybe its too luck depended and a 0.5s delay might help

Posted: 28-09-2003 17:56
by The_One
Please don't change this.
I've never had a problem with it and I've never heard anyone complain about it before.

You shouldn't try to protect people from their own stupidity.

Posted: 28-09-2003 17:58
by RaGe|DB
dont change it
it takes skill from attacker and defender should watch it
its own fault, (saying this as defender)

Posted: 28-09-2003 18:01
by Golde[nG]un
remove walking during u have ball plz

Posted: 28-09-2003 18:01
by The_One
What if you're not behind the ball carrier?

With the 0.5 delay you wouldn't be able to boost them away from the ball even if you're infront or to the side of them.

Silly, silly idea.

Posted: 28-09-2003 18:01
by Golde[nG]un
idd the one

Posted: 28-09-2003 18:09
by Cyph
It's not luck dependent at all. If someone gets hit from behind, they know when the next hit is coming and can easily drop the ball just then. It's a question of skill and really shouldn't be removed.

Posted: 28-09-2003 18:13
by The_One
Cyph wrote: If someone gets hit from behind, they know when the next hit is coming...

Unless the defender is smart.

I agree, it takes thought on both sides and that can't be a bad thing.

Posted: 28-09-2003 18:40
by FireCell
dont remove it X_x, there is some skill in knowing when they are going to hit u.. and then where to fire the ball so u catch it. Plus its the defenders fault anyway for hitting u.

Posted: 28-09-2003 18:58
by MeSSiaH{FCU}
Yeh but he can hardly change this :x
And the 0.5 seconds was just an idea :p I dunno poop about gameplay balancing.

Anyway, as i said, wudnt really mind this tbh, as long as ppl arent gonna whore it.

Imagine a team (let's call it c¥), would chose to whore sux a trick.
c¥ would dribble trough the whole field, and not get into trouble, when one makes a mix-up every now and then, there will always be some1 else that's open to catch to.
This c¥-player wud then continue to whore the move and they will be unbeatable in midfield. :o

Oi, and damn wud u ppl moan about that then :p meh..

Posted: 28-09-2003 19:01
by fro
box camping solves that trick