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New clans?

Posted: 14-10-2003 13:38
by =[Np]=LuniX
If there r so many ppl cless (actually many good players) and every1 is joining big clans making them even bigger wy dont u start new ones :rolleyes: ..

/me thinks its because u dont wanna play in 3rd league ;)

Posted: 14-10-2003 15:36
by BaD)DB
i'd start one but i'm not that good :)

Posted: 14-10-2003 15:41
by GreyFox
well if any1 would start a clan they should call it [KS] = KoreaSux or ---=AK=--- = AntiKorea , very nice names , kinda weird that they rnt taken yet :s

Posted: 14-10-2003 15:59
by Instigator
not too fond of korea are ya

Posted: 14-10-2003 16:18
by Ars3h
#clanless - for clanless db players might work. dunno though

Posted: 14-10-2003 16:26
by NightBoY
Grey :) lol

Posted: 14-10-2003 16:48
by GreyFox
no , me ??? i love korea , dont u ? :p

Posted: 14-10-2003 17:13
by fs|Pele
i play in div3 :/

oops , you meant good players ...mb :|

Posted: 14-10-2003 17:14
by fs|Pele
hey , korea is kinda leet k? and ive heard they have hookers in hotels :x or was that japan ?

Posted: 14-10-2003 17:30
by GreyFox
fs|Pele wrote: hey , korea is kinda leet k? and ive heard they have hookers in hotels :x or was that japan ?

lol , no , korea isnt leet , who told u that ? :eek:

Posted: 14-10-2003 17:32
by fs|Pele
i saw it with my own 3 eyes :p

Posted: 16-10-2003 10:06
by [1234]Jr
na, its cos new teams need good leaders...

..only kids lead the newer clans, hence why they die quickly...

teams like DEUS and AoV are around cos they have a decent (DECENT) leader, and dedicated players (for the whole) what most clan people dont have :)

Posted: 16-10-2003 15:37
by BaD)DB
GreyFox wrote: no , me ??? i love korea , dont u ? :p

Korea = leet? /o\

Posted: 17-10-2003 22:03
by Pyroteknik
[1234]Jr wrote: na, its cos new teams need good leaders...

..only kids lead the newer clans, hence why they die quickly...

teams like DEUS and AoV are around cos they have a decent (DECENT) leader, and dedicated players (for the whole) what most clan people dont have :)

idd jr, a good leader is a must.

Posted: 17-10-2003 22:30
by GreyFox
BaD)DB wrote: Korea = leet? /o\

wha ????? korea RULEZ , k ? i love the way they say: ME KOREA
or ME ZZANG , or who could forgett the classic ME KOREA, KEKE?¿?

there is only 1 word for koreans , and that is idiots :ban: