Quit message

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Quit message

Post by J-Force »

the moment a lot of you have waited for has finally come.

i retire from deathball. i played for almost 10 months, in that time i made a few frends and way more enemys.

The reason i quit is that the scene becomes more and more chilish there are hardly any wars that not have become flame wars, those flamewars are even during the war or on forehand already.
Beside of that reason i want more time for some new hobbys and more serieus things in life.

you meigth see me on a public server sometimes and i'll check out new versions as well, when i miss it too much i'll return but don't count on it :)

so good luck to ya all!
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Post by -Camel- »

bye bye J-F, gl m8
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Post by [GR]Kermit »


don't do it!

:confused: :mad: :eek: :( :confused: :eek: :devil: :hmmmz:
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Post by Catalyst88 »

Good luck J-F, I know you've put a lot into this community. Sad to see you go. (And please come back...)
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Post by Maegrim »

cya next week ;)
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Post by Messy »

10 months?

I thought u played from beta 0.1 and that 0.9 was a year ago =/

Uhh..rrright, anyway, shame to c a dutchy go /o\

Might cu around and uhm.. please tell us if there's life after deathball

gl m8 :> (dunno what for but meh..)
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Post by BaD)DB »

Well never got to know you but GL J-Force!
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Post by J-Force »

Messy wrote: 10 months?

I thought u played from beta 0.1 and that 0.9 was a year ago =/

Uhh..rrright, anyway, shame to c a dutchy go /o\

Might cu around and uhm.. please tell us if there's life after deathball

gl m8 :> (dunno what for but meh..)

0.3 or 4 was my first time to play, but i didn't play on the internet that time
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Post by Dazlin »

i found 1.1 crap gahhhh just think about earlyer versions makes me wana cry :(
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Post by fro »

cya dude, nice knowing and playing against you
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Post by BaD)DB »

Dazlin wrote: i found 1.1 crap gahhhh just think about earlyer versions makes me wana cry :(

Yeh me 2 makes cry of how much ii missed :o..lol i missed all but 1.8 :rolleyes:
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Post by Dazlin »

1.4 for me :D
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Post by XiLLeRaToR »

see u every day in irc jf, and play ctf every week, lators
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Post by cY|riCo »

good luck in all the things you will do j-f :p
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Post by XiLLeRaToR »

bah, ull just keep stealing my dropped flags every time we play anyway, bloody criminal:P