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Custom ball "tool" for mappers

Posted: 25-10-2003 18:12
by Rens2Sea
I made this little thingy for Rage's DB-ToonBall but then i decided to release it for the public \o/
From the .txt file:

Code: Select all


This is a little "tool" for Bombing Run (or other gametypes that use the xBombSpawn) mappers that allows
them to change properties of the xBombSpawn, xBombBase and xBombFlag actors.

How to add in map

Please add this file with your map as it is.
If you want the map in your myLevel package type the following line in the UnrealEd command prompt:

obj load file=CustomBomb.u package=MyLevel

How to use

Skip step 1 if you added the CustomBomb.u into the mylevel package.

1. Open the CustomBomb.u in UnrealEd
2. If you added the .u file to your myLevel package you might need to deselect then reselect the Show Actor Classes Only checkbox
first or it won't show the actor.
3. Place the Actor->NavigationPoint->JumpDest->JumpSpot->GameObjective->CustomBombSpawn where you want the bomb to spawn.

There is no need for the xBombSpawn anymore because the CustomBombSpawn does the same plus more.

Open the properties of the CustomBombSpawn and you see the following in the CustomBomb category:

FlagType		-	The bomb, normally on xBombFlag changable for gametypes that use a new bomb that is a subclass of xBombFlag.
BombStaticMesh		-	Staticmesh of the bomb.
BombDrawScale		-	Size of the bomb.
BombCollisionRadius	-	Collision radius of the bomb.
BombCollisionHeight	-	Collision height of the bomb.
bVisibleBase		-	If the base is spawned or not.
BaseStaticMesh		-	Staticmesh of the base.
BaseDrawScale		-	Size of the base.
BaseOffsetRotation	-	Rotation to add to the base. So if the rotation of the CustomBombSpawn is (0,0,5000) and BaseOffsetRotation is (0,0,500)
				then the rotation of the base will be (0,0,5500).
BaseOffsetLocation	-	Same as BaseOffsetRotation but for the location of the base.
BaseRotationRate	-	The rate the base rotates.

Server Admins
Server admins don't need to add anything to the ServerPackages.

Where to get this


Made by: Rens2Sea

Posted: 25-10-2003 18:14
by TEZC-Rage
/me huggles Rens

Posted: 25-10-2003 18:31
by Messy
rens r hero kthx.

Posted: 17-12-2004 23:41
by Rens2Sea
/me slaps Davidm around a bit with a large trout

Good for new version of db? :eek: