My prediction on the effects of 1.9

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My prediction on the effects of 1.9

Post by theberkin8or »

from what i have seen so far i think 1.9 is quite possibly the second coming of pbox camping. it never completely left but it wasn't as bad in 1.8 this is why:

1. without the ablity to broomstick (or what we call penix) the d has no reason why to go that far away from box cuz the O HAS to come to them.

2. inablity to pass to the boosted player. this is goign to slow movement to the other team's pbox down so that a good team will have more time to get back and pbox camp

3. the ablity to for the d to boost the O into the air and them not be passed to this is going to allow even more time for the d to get set up if done correctly and when pbox is established will make it harder to get past as you come out just a little bit and boost ppl into the air where they are basically off the playing field

if i am right and this is the style of play that db becomes i for see a lot of players leave... we haven't had much in the way of mass exits in a while. ppl are pretty happy with 1.8 but i don't know these changes don't seem to be the kind that are going to bring many ppl to db again and might make some quit (i know some that are already talking about it)

these change may not be as much of a problem for Euro as i forsee it being for NA because it is my impression that Euro tends to use a lot more shot passes than NA. I think maybe this is why davidm didn't see the same problems a lot of NA are seeing. Personally if i am forced to use shot pass to be able to pass decently i am probably not going to stick around cuz that isn't the kind of game i want to be playing.

imo dribbling is the only fun addition to 1.9 (replay is kewl but most goals don't need to be shown in slowmo)
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Post by Catalyst88 »

Dribbling was an accident and should be gone in the next beta version (I hope).

I've been saying the past couple of days that this change will have a FAR greater effect on the NA play than euro play - purely because it's done on the move a lot more (like a game of basketball/hockey) rather than more patient build-up with an eye to defending (like soccer). The change only affects euros because it stops cheap moves like broomsticks from being so easy to accomplish (which is a good thing, imo, and i know a lot of people agree with me on that no matter what posters to this forum say - the people who're unhappy have a far louder voice because the happy ones don't feel a need to post). I have no idea how it'll affect NA play but it's bound to be a lot more than euro play...

Not sure about the comments on pbox camping. I doubt it'll cause any more camping in euro games than 1.8, because the style of play isn't much different at all. Couldn't say about NA games.
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Post by Croaker »

I agree with Berk post, and i'm pretty sure most of american communuty think in the same way as you.

Before doing a drastic change, davidm should consult at least the leagues admins to see if the change is wanted by the db communauty as a whole (kind of democracy). Doing a change based on his own experience might be really bad. (remove the trick if davidm can't stop it , remove the trick if davidm can't do it).

**edited cause cata was faster than me! ***
Last edited by Croaker on 29-10-2003 05:30, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by theberkin8or »

OMG no you have to leave dribbling in... it is harder to do doens't give you much of an advantage WHY TAKE IT OUT? :( :( :(

it is just fun
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Post by Catalyst88 »

I refer you to the previous arguments when the old dribble was taken out.... just do a search on the forums, you'll be there for hours reading about it...
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Post by DiStUrbeD »

Catalyst88 wrote: Not sure about the comments on pbox camping. I doubt it'll cause any more camping in euro games than 1.8, because the style of play isn't much different at all. Couldn't say about NA games.

and you wonder why you have trouble stopping broomstick? by the time they get to the pbox thats when its nearly impossible to defend, broomstick brings the defense out of the pbox to spread the d apart to stop it from starting. most people boost thier man from just after midfield, and the pass doesnt come in until the edge of the pbox, so you need to get out of the pbox to stop it.

broomstick was done not because its an easy way to score, because its an easy way to counter pbox camping (which is an overly easy way to defend)

take out broomstick, then the whole team will sit in the pbox, and you'll never get a shot through.
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Post by Catalyst88 »

DiStUrbeD wrote: take out broomstick, then the whole team will sit in the pbox, and you'll never get a shot through.

Then learn how to shoot... and it's still perfectly possible to use the broomstick btw, just requires a bit of skill.
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Post by Croaker »

We're just trying to save NA db cata :)
You come once in a while so you know the sad state it's in :)

btw, you're right about the dribble arguments, no need to start it again... cause, anyway, arguing on a forum is useless for that kind of change (20 page thread no one will read :))
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Post by theberkin8or »

cat not that many ppl can get a ball through 4 players packed into the pbox specialy without a fast pass shot as a change up.. some can but i imagion the majority are going to have a lot of trouble with that
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Post by DiStUrbeD »

Catalyst88 wrote: Then learn how to shoot... and it's still perfectly possible to use the broomstick btw, just requires a bit of skill.

its kinda difficult to score a goal with 5 people jumping in the keeper box trying to stop your shot (not the pbox, the keeperbox)

with people sitting at the edge of the pbox, hitting you when you charge or take a step in, your not gonna score.
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Post by Catalyst88 »

Croaker wrote: We're just trying to save NA db cata :)
You come once in a while so you know the sad state it's in :)

btw, you're right about the dribble arguments, no need to start it again... cause, anyway, arguing on a forum is useless for that kind of change (20 page thread no one will read :))

I know the state NA DB's in, which is why I've considered offering to make an NA-based DB version which puts a lot of the gameplay elements back in - but I'm not sure how great that would be for the community as a whole (especially new players, which i know are in short supply over there). In principle I agree with the removal of boost-passing though (because i mainly play in europe, obviously).

And I've managed to get the ball in the back of the net past 4 players in the keeperbox before :)
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Post by Xelent »

almost every NA team plays 5 in the box, and all 5 camp. If you do get a shot off, youre just shooting into 5 keepers.
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Post by theberkin8or »

yep but you are also considered one of the best reg shooters in euro... you should haven't to be a super star just to have a chance of scoring with reg shot

x what are you talking about most teams have a picker duh :p
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Post by Catalyst88 »

How's about we make the goals bigger then? :eek:
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Post by Croaker »

Cata, time to go to sleep!!!

Peeps will adapt to cover the keeper box in the good way and I think that a shot wont be able to go past the keeper pretty soon.
The best NA keepers can save almost any shot made outside pbox, so I dont think your shot could get pass that, and the pbox camping pressure that's gonna be increased.

(I know your good shooting skills Cata btw :) )