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Show us your desktops!
Posted: 23-12-2003 00:54
by SuBBy
Well, i don't often visit DB forums as much as some of the other forums that i'm signed up to. I've saw this happen on a few other forums where people post there desktops and others admire how bad, or well looked after they are. So if you would post a pciture of your lovely desktop...As you can see mines rather a mess with game shortcuts :S
Posted: 23-12-2003 00:56
by Chick-kun
Posted: 23-12-2003 01:01
by Fragger
TRigun pwns jooo
Posted: 23-12-2003 01:03
by [GR]Kermit
Posted: 23-12-2003 01:15
by Morning*Star
pretty aint it?
Posted: 23-12-2003 01:48
by stfukthxbye
here we present evermores pretty desktop:
Posted: 23-12-2003 02:12
by [1234]Jr
Bedlam wins...
Posted: 23-12-2003 02:26
by DiStUrbeD
my windows desktop:
and my Linux desktop:

Posted: 23-12-2003 02:48
by DavidM
desktop thread number 5 or so
but i guess every forum needs that every 2 months or so
Posted: 23-12-2003 03:57
by The_One
It's a complete mess of icons at the mo but what the hey.
Posted: 23-12-2003 04:05
by -plær-
abandon all hope ye of 56k


Posted: 23-12-2003 04:22
by The_One
Where exactly is your desktop in that windows pic? :p
Why do desktop threads always turn into "open up as much random crap as possible and post a pic of it" threads?
Posted: 23-12-2003 07:47
by Maegrim
Posted: 23-12-2003 08:15
by fro
hey, its the weekly desktop thread

Posted: 23-12-2003 09:14
by Hugi
its a kind of 3dg-logo