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WOW omg
Posted: 27-12-2003 22:33
by RaGe|DB
i was just checking the join members by date and i saw this one dude called RaGe, (one of the first members) So i checked his last posts and OMG that turns out to be me, i totally forgot about that account which i made some years ago (i think) and made it for the team delta forums, it only has 27 posts but i still remember the password

that makes me probably the oldest DB-forum poster lol, i was here before DavidM got here

Posted: 27-12-2003 22:35
by [GR]Kermit

Posted: 27-12-2003 22:43
by Slaya
Posted: 27-12-2003 22:49
by Sixty
OMG RAGE, yur life is complete, u can die in peace now
edit: plz dont die, i would miss you to much
Posted: 27-12-2003 22:50
by RaGe|DB
nooo, ur supposed to say, edit: plz dont die, i would miss you to much
[edit] now he did, /me ignores the edit thingie on sixty's post [/edit]
Posted: 27-12-2003 22:57
by Sixty
erm....i did o_O
Posted: 27-12-2003 23:36
by Sixty
/Me votes for removing the stupid 'Last edited by....' thingie
Posted: 27-12-2003 23:50
by speedy
oh my god!