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Posted: 03-01-2004 02:36
by Holy_Surfing
This idea came up to me when everyone was complaining about ridiculously low frames per second rate on DB-November.

I took the map, removed this and that, changed stuff to match other stuff properly, etc...

I get 90-120 fps on an empty server, still needs testing on a full house ;) My system is: Pentium IV @ 2.0Ghz, GeForce4 Ti4600 128Mb, 512 MB DDR266, Windows XP Pro.

Download latest version here

Maybe this, or something alike, can replace the original DB-November in important(or not) matches, so everyone have fun withouth being bothered with slowdowns. Enjoy :)

- Holy

Edit: First version has been uploaded to " - DBL3", for anyone with admin access and wants to use it. Latest version will be up in no time :>

Edit 2: Updated version released, same link as before, above. Realligned one of two static meshes and added team lights on the respective sides. No fps change, still 90-120 normal, 75 on max, empty server :)

- Low/Normal detail, empty server:

- Max Details, everything on, empty server:

- My usual settings, low, with myself and 9 bots on the field(uses more cpu):

Posted: 03-01-2004 02:54
by GazMaN

Posted: 03-01-2004 06:11
by Cenotaph

Posted: 03-01-2004 11:35
by [GR]Kermit


Posted: 03-01-2004 13:01
by Rens2Sea
No screenshot no download -_-

Posted: 03-01-2004 14:40
by siLVer
sd didn't you wanted to play us on your new map last night? ^^

Posted: 03-01-2004 14:51
by Holy_Surfing
To Rens2Sea: j00 suck*.

To siLver: yes that was the map, except i finished it too late, nobody in the pickup channel, and the people that were had no info on the map and didn't bother with it since they figured it was simply november, will try again later on tonight.

Currently thinking on new map designs, but ones that could be both appealing and playable in official or full housed matches :>

- Holy

*will upload screenshot later, not home at the moment -_-

Posted: 03-01-2004 15:43
by FeEdiKo
yay \o/



edit: holy, you should add some red and blue coronas again :eek:

Posted: 03-01-2004 16:17
by Requiem``

did i was totally drunk when i test it but i find Nov-LE much bigger than original one :hmmmz:

Posted: 03-01-2004 17:28
by Holy_Surfing
To FeEdiKo: Thanks for screenies. :>

To Requiem: nope, size is the same, just that withouth the small building on one side and less details here and there, namely the trees on the sides, it looks somehow much different :)

Posted: 03-01-2004 18:24
by FeEdiKo
new version is up...

Posted: 03-01-2004 20:25
by Messy
gg you :D
If only we can implement this (officially or unofficially) in the dbl :x

Lowcube2 too, really plays much better than cube x_X

Posted: 03-01-2004 20:30
by RaGe|DB
lemme guess, David thinks its to dull /o\

Posted: 03-01-2004 21:00
by Messy
So? Teams could officially give Cube as their map for dbl games, and then (amongst eachother) decide to play on Lowcube2, which is way better for fps and removes the annoying crowd, whilst all the volumes stay the same exactly.

Posted: 03-01-2004 22:03
by Holy_Surfing
RaGe|DB wrote: lemme guess, David thinks its to dull /o\

I haven't seen david for two weeks now, since Splash Damage became one, and if the year of 2004 brings me any luck, i won't see him again for a long time :D \o/