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Posted: 19-08-2003 09:57
by YoYo789
um, got zero?

Posted: 19-08-2003 09:57
by YoYo789
um, should we count davidm's purchases? if so then its probably sale count: 30-40 :p

Posted: 19-08-2003 10:29
by Deacan Sharp

Posted: 19-08-2003 11:06
by YoYo789
um, oops. Sorry to anyone who just got the idea of DavidM in a DB g-string.

Posted: 20-08-2003 10:29
by InSaNe
Um David you've fucked up shake so badly more keeps are getting screwed, before 1.8 or 1.7 when we hit someone while they were charging the shot went 75% of the time either left or right in any random speed, now when we keeps are one on one and rely on shake, when we are succesful we get pwnt becuase the damn ball goes strait but at a slower pace. Got shitted on like that alot of time and that needs to be fixed. That and don't let the defense hear the damn charge let that happen and this thread/flame posts should end, but nooooo that's too much huh?

Posted: 20-08-2003 12:00
by Stulovesyou
Did you read that before posting?

You get the ball, charge up court only to find that there is already two defenders back.
If you try and take the shot while its 1-2 against you - it's called a force - and you get benched.

Once a guy stops his dribble and jumps in the air - you can be pretty sure - he is shooting. You jump up and try to block.

If a guy gets the ball in the post - you go and defend him.

Posted: 20-08-2003 13:32
by vF_Zonk
InSaNe wrote: Um David you've fucked up shake so badly more keeps are getting screwed, before 1.8 or 1.7 when we hit someone while they were charging the shot went 75% of the time either left or right in any random speed, now when we keeps are one on one and rely on shake, when we are succesful we get pwnt becuase the damn ball goes strait but at a slower pace. Got shitted on like that alot of time and that needs to be fixed. That and don't let the defense hear the damn charge let that happen and this thread/flame posts should end, but nooooo that's too much huh?


the ball doesn't go straight.........try going for a shot and getting hit before you shoot, when ur just outside the pbox (inside = you die)'ll miss basically every time

and .... i tend to believe that basketball and deathball are very different o_O

Posted: 20-08-2003 14:01
by Stulovesyou
'team' sport

Posted: 20-08-2003 14:22
by theberkin8or
you forget in basketball they actually score far more than in db... football/soccer is a much better modal since the game is much more simalar but with any sport yes you have some idea of when the person is going to shoot but not whole 1.2 seconds b4 he is going to shoot... if a guy took that long to shoot he would also be sitting on the bench. Not to meantion the fact that their are lots of ways a basketball player can shoot the ball in order to get around the defece and only one in db think pump fake...fade away...etc (only one that can be done without a team mate and there is nothing even remotly like volleying in bball so can't even go there)...

which is why i like the charge up @ the last .4 seconds of the shoot power, realistic becuase most ppl decide to shoot b4 the defender has any clue... but davidm doesn't like this idea... so i am going for the second best thing no charge up @ all... which forces you to read the O's movements and field possition to know when to hit them

Ooo and stu you should probably work on making it clear who you are talking to... i think it was me or insane but i am not sure (and no insane doesn't read his posts b4 he posts them ;) :) )

Posted: 20-08-2003 14:38
by Inphidel
well come pair this to hockey for a second

charge = slap shot. the noise is you winding up
pass shot = wrist shot. you can get it out alot faster then winding up its just not as fast. thus no noise

How about this. increase the speed of the charge up? so it only takes .5 - .75 a second to hit full. it will in some ways work for both d and O. its easier to overcharge but if your good at timing you can get off good shots faster...

just throwing out an idea.

Posted: 20-08-2003 15:48
by Stulovesyou
If you do that - you have to decrease the time between hits for defenders to compensate....

Currently there is this thing called 'balance'.

There needs to be a point where people stop tinkering with this balance and let people just play and adapt.

There is plenty of time to get a shot off. You do not have to be very open to get a full power shot on goals off.
Just sit back and watch a game before you claim this is impossible. It happens constantly.

The way this thread is posed makes it seem like it is IMPOSSIBLE to get off a fully charged shot on goal - let alone score using a normal shot.
This is purely an absurd notion.
Skilled shooters will always get shots off on goal at full power. They will do so with skill, from random angles from long distance, from short distance. They will do so in ways that will wow you. They will do so in ways that will frustrate you.
The notion that every shot is always shaken by a defender is bollucks.
The belief that a defender is able to hear any charge up and react instantly to it, then move to cover an opponent and hit them before they release causing the shake EACH AND EVERY TIME is created out of fantasy based on a complete inferiority complex that has no basis in reality.

These people need to take there head out of the game for a second. Sit back - watch some matches and realise... hey... I guess it ain't so impossible to get off a shot on goal afterall.


Stop tinkering. Game rules freeze. Just play. Have fun and STFU.

Posted: 20-08-2003 15:54
by Surge
the defender only needs to hit you once... Stu, your a grade a+ aussi douchebag... keep it up.

go sit on a cactus or something.

Posted: 20-08-2003 16:44
by Deacan Sharp
ahhh david seriously whats the sale count on the db g string

Posted: 21-08-2003 14:33
by Inphidel
you know what i say now?





Posted: 21-08-2003 15:19
by Deacan Sharp
then put your hands down my pants and ill bet youll feel nuts...
i am horny, i am sexy and ready to ANAL fuck