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Posted: 13-09-2003 21:04
by Armagon

Posted: 13-09-2003 23:21
by Larry_Bird
Cata Own:\o/

Posted: 14-09-2003 15:51
by Fallen
Maybe davidm can fix up cube and make it look good for once, I still think its one of the most ugly maps, next to smallcube. The one versions of cube looked better. If he would change the wall textures and putting less banners, I would be happy.

Posted: 14-09-2003 16:09
by Catalyst88
I think Fallen missed the point of the thread :)

Posted: 14-09-2003 17:03
by TEZC_Robban
quite obviously seems so. :p

Posted: 14-09-2003 20:01
by MeSSiaH{FCU}
gg teamvortex :p even tho we bitch at davidm sometimes..they've dun a good job \o/

Posted: 14-09-2003 20:54
by DavidM
someone bitching at me?
never noticed that


Posted: 15-09-2003 04:52
by Fallen
*Note:* Tell DavidM's PR Man to stop blocking any bitchin' messages to teh leader!

Posted: 15-09-2003 11:28
by drifter
\o/ teh win

Posted: 15-09-2003 13:00
by Catalyst88
Fallen wrote: *Note:* Tell DavidM's PR Man to stop blocking any bitchin' messages to teh leader!

DavidM IS the PR man :P

Posted: 15-09-2003 13:02
by Fallen
so you saying we need a intermediate guy between him and us? So if I say, you suck davidm, you change the versions as much as you change you underwear in a day.

Translating that, would be, davidm r l33t, na is dumb, cat is hot, kthx! :devil:

Posted: 15-09-2003 15:03
by RaGe|DB
ur evil!

Posted: 15-09-2003 15:13
by MeSSiaH{FCU}
why yes i am :devil:

Posted: 15-09-2003 15:15
by RaGe|DB
ur not, ur a pupppppppppy

Posted: 15-09-2003 16:48
by Fallen
RaGe|DB wrote: ur not, ur a pupppppppppy
PRMAN: You not good at Deathball, DavidM r l33t, bow down now! :p