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Posted: 26-06-2003 11:28
by MeSSiaH{FCU}
I'm guessing teamvortex wants them? :p
[edit]oh and fix the way the cam resets when following a player after a goal ^^; i keep having to click >:(.
not important enough to make a new post of it, plzchangekthx[/edit]
Posted: 26-06-2003 12:44
by DavidM
yes samy, gimme all of em \o
Posted: 26-06-2003 12:48
by Onge
DavidM, please answer me these questions three:
Are there any plans to:
- Remove 'floor lag'?
- Make it clearer when you have the ball?
- Bring back crouch?
I want all these things to change, but if there's no intention to do so, I won't keep going on about it.
Posted: 26-06-2003 14:01
by BL44T
Especially that last thing for me, please make it more clear when you have the ball. The icons and sound arent enough, even when you play alot.
Posted: 26-06-2003 14:08
by MeSSiaH{FCU}
Still dont have any probs with the weapon
dont c the prob O_o i always know when i have the ball and i dont even watch the icon.
Some thing bothering me tho is the:
-triangle beacons do scale to distance
eeck! bring it back ^^; i can hardly c the ball n stuff :p
Or make it optional for the player ( in the new leet deathball settings menu
), coz I could understand if 800X600 or lower resolutions might need this
And yeh the floor lag is annoying
Posted: 26-06-2003 14:17
by DavidM
they scale too much atm, thats the problem, i want them scale down less
a side effect of this is that all people look like dwarfs now
Posted: 26-06-2003 14:22
by Diab
when someone scores would something like this be a good idea (bottom right corner)
you get to see who scored easyer then the red/blue text that fades out after like 3 seconds, and gives you a recap on there basic stats like shots taken, goals and ball touches. would be nice.
Posted: 26-06-2003 14:47
by Morning*Star
Now that I like
Posted: 26-06-2003 18:55
by mannyfresh027
put the portrait next to it to
its like when a player goes up to the plate in baseball and they show the stats\
thats a nice idea
Posted: 26-06-2003 18:59
by TEZC_Robban
very nice idea indeed
Posted: 26-06-2003 19:09
by Surge
the name of the person should blink if they have right click held (pass to me). Right now theres no indication of if they want the ball but instead who its locked on to.
ack, clarifying:
when i have the ball and look at you, the becon now turns greenish. If the person locked onto presses right click there no change on the ball carriers screen.. its still pure green, no flashy, nothing.
Posted: 26-06-2003 21:26
by theberkin8or
<---likes the stats idea, nice one diab
Posted: 27-06-2003 00:14
by Diab
Posted: 27-06-2003 00:15
by GraGoyle|ZBN
Posted: 27-06-2003 00:25
by DavidM
but the ball already has 2 firetrails