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Posted: 03-01-2005 15:49
by FeEdiKo
stop spamming


Posted: 03-01-2005 15:56
by `Ghost`

needs more speedy :p

Posted: 03-01-2005 16:18
by Dazlin

i was Dazzling_Destroyer in ut99

then Dazzling

then Dazlin
then it went throught the 1337 stage

of D@ZL!N

then back to Dazlin

now DaZliN


Posted: 03-01-2005 16:55
by EsorcismoNJD
GazMaN wrote: lol, no shit mate :)

I did say she was a weird one... lol and those were her words not mine, go figure... this was back in... hmmm, late 2000 I think...

Posted: 03-01-2005 17:47
by canash
Watched too much german cartoon as little (no not another word for porn).
Well i saw i figure which pronunciation is my nick.
Cant remember the cartoon anymore :o but the nick has been stucked the last 8 years or more

Posted: 05-01-2005 11:31
by StRaFe
StRaFe was from a horse my dad owned, (strafeclyde).

I also found out it means punishment in german. gg me ^^

Posted: 05-01-2005 12:20
by RaGe|DB
i was riding to school, saw rage on a van.

and when everyone thought I was TEZC-Rage I couldnt be arsed to change nick so I was RaGe (hence the capital g)

Posted: 05-01-2005 18:11
by fb.shev
hmm canash's avatar reminds me of something

ah yeah i remember

Posted: 05-01-2005 18:26
by `Ghost`
what is it :eek: ?

Posted: 05-01-2005 22:23
by FeEdiKo

Posted: 05-01-2005 22:53
by Axl
Axl = Lead Singer to "Guns N' Roses" Been my online name now for about 12 years, so kinda just stuck

Posted: 05-01-2005 22:55
by Onge
Onge is a nickname I've had for over 10 years. My sister made it up - and it has an obscure link to my real name. (Ask Messy, he knows all about it... :p)

Posted: 05-01-2005 23:01
by speedy
wat iz ur naem

Posted: 05-01-2005 23:04
by fb.shev
charmaine lewis \o/

Posted: 06-01-2005 02:48
by beefsack
my real name is sackbeef