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Posted: 02-02-2008 10:16
by 11nerd11
ya, but thats normal. since i can remember mankind tries to make money with informations and lies. isnt really new..

best example's the church..

mostly there's 70% thruth and 30% useless stuff and designed lies. and the 30% intentional lies are used for company X to make money out of it. either, not really new..

best is dont get to paranoid, dont believe everything u hear and use ur own mind. and the importants of all, dont fall into a extreme side (believing o. denial).

Posted: 02-02-2008 13:00
by DavidM
the best thing is when the churches call other systems a sect (be it even medicine revolutions). who is forcing people to believe dogmas blindly?
I still can't figure out what's so bad about scientology. All i find sounds really good and sane...which I am not used to in this system today.

anyway, i came to realize the world is one big lie...90% of all things we see on tv are the total opposite. the other 10% are football results. yes, they even lie about the weather. cutting out chemtrails from the cloud pictures....

Posted: 04-02-2008 22:26
by GreyFox
Well, you pretty much said it yourself what is wrong with scientology

Posted: 11-02-2008 08:09
by DavidM
uhm no...i don't see it.
the internet is filled with anti-scientology pages, and all basically just hate them without giving a real reason.
worst I can find is, that some leading figures did some stupid things, but what does it have to do with scientology?
the leaders of the accepted organizations do much worse.

Posted: 20-02-2008 15:11
by XiD
DavidM wrote: uhm no...i don't see it.
the internet is filled with anti-scientology pages, and all basically just hate them without giving a real reason.
worst I can find is, that some leading figures did some stupid things, but what does it have to do with scientology?
the leaders of the accepted organizations do much worse.

Holy christ be further from the truth. Scientology has been reported (again REPORTED, I can't confirm this) to enslave and exploit their own members to a point where it's a matter of taking away basic human rights. That and the fact that scientology re quires you to pay is what they protest against. In either case, they critisize the monetary aspect and the lack of civil rights they show to their own members.

Posted: 20-02-2008 15:16
by DavidM
I don't know if they do that. I couldn't find this on the anti-scientology pages properly documented.

But what about a country that takes away all civil liberties from their people and fully regulates every aspect of their life, where you are officially being recognized as terrorist when you quote the consitution (yes, I talk about the USA)? A country that forces people to pay an illegal income tax to a private bank, without having a law for this?
Where is the sect?
Way over 90% fall for something far worse, but its widely accepted, because all are too blind to see it, and media are complicit in it and don't tell anyone for sure.
How comes?

Re: Global warming? lol

Posted: 06-05-2010 12:46
by gamemastertips
I just stumbled past this thread...I must check out that video. I'm glad to see that even something so "common-knowledge" as global warming even has its mistruths.

Funny this thread should turn to the topic of religion. I've always wondered, as you, David, being truth-seeking person who doubts everything, just what are your views on the existence of God and such? I have a few atheist friends who simply look at these things as unrpovable, and therefore false.

P.S. I dislike scientology for the reason that they seem to be brainwashing people...I get all these creepy fliers from them in the mail everyday: "Join us!!" "Become a CLLEEEAAR!!!"

Re: Global warming? lol

Posted: 06-05-2010 16:39
by DavidM
I have no idea if everything happens in some sort of order or if everything is just random. Our perception is this biological body is so limited, how could we ever tell, as long as we are in this shape?

I heard... the more something is commonly agreed on, the more it should be questioned. Global Warming and the CO2 stuff aren't really based on any facts, but the image of that whole thing in peoples heads is very clear. Media make it look like, it's all clear and there's no doubt.

Re: Global warming? lol

Posted: 06-05-2010 17:54
by gamemastertips
Well, once again I'd love to see the global warming video, but the link appears to be dead. Is there another link I could try? Or try searching for it?
I have no idea if everything happens in some sort of order or if everything is just random. Our perception is this biological body is so limited, how could we ever tell, as long as we are in this shape?
So you're basically saying that there's no real way to prove God right or wrong in this physical form?

Re: Global warming? lol

Posted: 06-05-2010 22:15
by DavidM
Depends on what you mean by god.
In esoteric concepts, which I support, God is defined "everything". Everybody is part of god... etc.
Ok, so far so good.

If you mean the idea of god being an entity separate of us. I think that's bogus.

The global warming videos are named "the greenhouse conspiracy" (from 1990) and "the global warming swindle" (from some 2007 or so...)
You will be able to watch both on the internet. Google video or youtube have them, maybe in small 10 minute parts.
It's especially amazing that the 1990 documentary is all up to date. You couldn't really notice that it's 20 years old.

Re: Global warming? lol

Posted: 06-05-2010 22:29
by gamemastertips
Thanks again, David. Will look those up.

I definately do not believe that God is completely seperate from us. But I do still believe, to some exent, of a higher power. I can't see how else the universe was created, I suppose, as well as the rest of life's mysteries. :p

Re: Global warming? lol

Posted: 23-10-2010 02:45
by Extremist
I take the side of "if it seems too good to be true, it probably is".

Also, "if everyone believes it, it's probably wrong".

I take the latter statement to be true because:

A - There is no law saying that the media has to tell the truth

B - Most news comes from very few different sources, limiting truly alternative viewpoints

C - As the mass media is where most people get most of their information from (the internet may be popular, but I suspect that the majority uses it primarily for leisure or business purposes), it is the #1 most lucrative thing in the world for people who want to control other people

And I take the former statement to be true because, to those people who want to control other people, there is always a small risk of a minority getting a toe in the door of minds of the masses. Therefore, they will attempt to prevent people from joining the minorities by impersonating them, and also attempt to find out the identities of the people joining the minorities by infiltrating them.

So when I see you, DavidM, the owner of a very popular website, being blatently skeptical about many things heavily promoted by the mass media, like global warming, 9/11, AIDS, etc, I immediately assume that you are one of THEM.

So I am taking your advice to doubt everything, and adding you to the pile.

Paranoid? No. Rational? Yes.

Re: Global warming? lol

Posted: 23-10-2010 08:26
by DavidM
Go doubt me. Got nothing to hide. Dig as deep as you can! :)